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8 Things Which Can Go Wrong During a Holiday

Holidays are synonymous with traveling and traveling means a whole lot of enthusiasm, glee, excitement and energy. But despite our sincere efforts, some travel plans go haywire and cause issues of a nature that we can’t easily put behind us. Let’s look at some of the common things which can go wrong during a trip and suggest ways to cope with them while we travel. So, be it travel insurance USA, Europe or Dubai, it is highly recommended to have yourself insured against all these possibilities.

1. Missing a flight

Regardless of the time we devote to carefully chalk out our travel plans, we need to be there on time to board our planes or trains during departure. If, thanks to some error on part of the airline or the railway we miss boarding our plane or train, then we can expect to be compensated for it by our travel insurance company. However, if we fail to make it in time due to a defect in our itinerary, then such an event destroys our travel plans with only us to be blamed for the catastrophe. To avoid such a disaster, we should always make it a point to reach the airport or railway station a few hours ahead of the scheduled departure time.


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2. Falling ill

Falling sick during travel is one of the most unfortunate events to befall a traveller. This doesn’t just mess up your travel itinerary but may cause anxiety and trauma as well. While you can’t help such a situation beyond carrying the necessary medicines, the provision of a travel health insurance during your travels does protect you from financial miseries that may arise in a foreign land. The travel plans can always be revisited once you recover and are ready to explore the world.

3. Cancellations and delays in traveling

Flight cancellations and delays can become a cause of grave concern for passengers. If the flight gets cancelled due to some reason or is significantly delayed, then it is the responsibility of the airline to arrange for the stay and food of the passengers till such a time that alternative arrangements are made. Airlines may also have to compensate the passengers for a delay beyond 3 hours depending on the distance of the travel destination. In such cases, it’s always preferable to be aware of one’s rights as a passenger to avoid unnecessary hazards and harassment.


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4. Losing your luggage

There can hardly be a more nightmarish situation than losing one’s luggage during a trip. However, if the luggage goes missing due to the fault of the airlines or your tour organizer, then there isn’t much you can do beyond waiting and pleading. Despite this, you can lessen the potential loss from such an event by informing the police about your loss and simultaneously registering your loss with your airlines & tour organizer. This comes handy when you are hunting for compensation for the lost luggage from your travel insurance company and serves as the proof of reasonable care being taken to protect and get your luggage back. While it isn’t something that you can prevent pre-emptively, what you can do is to keep the essential items of your tour in the cabin luggage instead of the check-in luggage.

5. Losing your passport

It isn’t a pleasant feeling to lose your passport in a foreign destination when you are looking forward to executing your travel plans. It is a bit like losing your identity. The sane thing to do following such a travesty is to visit the nearest Embassy located in that country and request for the issuance of a new passport , but usually this takes time and impacts the travel plans as well. Although it is difficult to foresee and prevent such a disaster, as a responsible traveller keeping photocopies and scans of the passport and all other important documents can save you a lot of unnecessary agony and heartburn.


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6. Getting mugged by unsocial elements

Getting robbed in a foreign destination doesn’t just happen in the movies. In fact, it is a pretty common occurrence in public transports, crowded places and even at tourist attractions. While you can recover the compensation for your lost valuable items if you carry a travel insurance, it is advisable to keep the money and other essential items locked up in your travel bags instead of flaunting them openly during your travels.

7. Losing your way & having no fuel

This almost happened with us in New Zealand! Luckily, we found a cafe who had some cans of petrol. We paid double price, but it saved us.

These days, the technology and multiple apps at our disposal make it a near impossibility to lose our way during road trips. Even then we do hear occasional instances of tourists losing their way and their phones running out on them. If you are out on an adventurous road trip during the weekend, then make sure that you carry a physical map along with the phone so that you can consult it for your location and destination if your cell become dysfunctional at the last minute. Also make sure that you are aware of the mileage of your vehicle to avoid being left stranded on a no-man’s-land.

8. Forgetting your camera or charger or battery

Well, this can happen to any of us! It has happened with me twice. In today’s Instagram led world, this can create havoc.

Wouldn’t you just kick yourself when you realize that the marvelous moment that you are admiring can’t be captured forever because you forgot your camera or anything that makes it work!

Luckily, we would always have our mobile with us. But some instances demand special cameras. For example, if I forgot my GoPro or any of it’s crucial accessories, my trip would definitely get ruined.


You can get struck by a pandemic and can’t travel! Well, this holds true now more than ever because we all are suffering from a global pandemic; Let’s hope this gets better and we no more of our trips are ruined in future.

I hope you found these tips helpful. Have you suffered from any of these cases? How did you deal with the situation? Do let me know in the comments section below.

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