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Mekedatu Sangam Trip – Bike ride from Bangalore

Mekedatu Sangam is a tourist destination near Bangalore. Its a confluence of Kaveri & Arkavati rivers in Karnataka. In monsoon season, Mekedatu sees intense waterflow from both the rivers.

However, I visited this place along with some friends in March. More than visiting this place, we were excited about the bike trip. After sleeping for only 1 hour, we left early morning. We reached Mekedatu after cruising 120 KMs from Bangalore. On the way, we stopped at Kamat to relish delicious breakfast. There was an option of breakfast buffet and couple of my friends opted for that. The breakfast was really delicious and the filter coffee added a great flavor to the breakfast. The highlight was hot and lip-smacking jalebis. Kamat is a sure perfect breakfast place to take a pit stop while riding or driving from Bangalore.


My Ride to Mekedatu


Breakfast at Kamat, enroute Mekedatu


Delicious Jalebis, enroute Mekedatu

Post breakfast, we continued our ride towards Mekedatu. Once we were off the main highway, we encountered a long stretch of approximately 30 KMs to reach Kanakpura. This stretch was amidst lush green coconut trees. It had rained the day before. Hence, there was this moist smell of wet landscape in the air. As we progressed on this stretch, we started seeing giant boulders on the sides. These boulders are considered to be a great attraction for rock climbers.

We took another halt at Kanakpura from where Mekedatu was at a distance of 30 KMs further. After relishing some sugarcane juice and stretching our muscles, we again kicked our engines on and continued the journey towards Mekedatu Sangam.

Mekedatu Sangam is located in an area which falls within the limits of the forest department. Hence, there is a check-post which you have to cross. They will check your bags and confiscate any alcohol that you carry.

The stretch after the check-post is breathtaking! As the road bends to help you reach Mekedatu, the dense forest stays put. After traversing through the beautiful landscape, we finally reached Mekedatu Sangam.

When you reach Mekedatu Sangam, you will see a lot of shops outside the main gate. These shops are famous for “Jalebi” and “Tiger” fish. If you are a fish lover, you should definitely try this. However, it would be better if you savor the fish without rice & curry, which is worthless. There is a restaurant inside the gate as well. But, they are not that great.

We decided to explore Mekedatu sangam before relishing the fish. We entered the gate and were able to see the confluence. The view was good. But, the place was very dirty and polluted. We decided to cross the Arkavati river and reach a spot which is less polluted and crowded. After almost an hour of scouting, we were able to find a perfect spot. The currents were moderately strong. In addition, there was no filth at this spot due to the flowing water.

Mekedatu Sangam

Our Spot at Mekedatu Sangam

Swimming in Mekedatu Sangam

Swimming in Mekedatu Sangam

Swimming in Mekedatu Sangam

Swimming in Mekedatu Sangam

We jumped in the cold waters and discovered that the water was really clean! A friend of mine, Vatsal, was carrying his GoPro camera. We did some experimentation with that. GoPro is certainly a great product for travellers!

Mekedatu - GoPro

Mekedatu – GoPro experiments

Mekedatu - GoPro experiments

Mekedatu – GoPro experiments_underwater

Mekedatu - GoPro experiments.

Mekedatu – GoPro experiments_underwater

Mekedatu - GoPro experiments

Mekedatu – GoPro experiments_underwater

Mekedatu - GoPro experiments.

Mekedatu – GoPro

After a relaxing swim, we decided to return. It was around 3 PM. So, we decided to go to Chunchi falls before wrapping up the day. But, we had to try the fish first!

The fish was really good! We had a sumptuous meal. But, for vegetarians, there are not a lot of options. So, a vegetarian friend of mine had to survive on biscuits and chips.

After feeling completely satisfied, we continued our journey towards Chunchi falls. However, my bike decided to spoil the fun. When I was trying to ride my bike up the slopes, the chain started creating problems. I parked the bike to see the fault. But, the bike lost balance and fell on the clutch wire, breaking the same. The bike was rendered useless and we needed a mechanic. But, my friend was able to ride it. We reached the nearest village. Luckily, we were able to find mechanic on a Sunday!

He replaced the clutch wire and we resumed our journey towards Bangalore. I had slept only for one hour before starting this trip early morning. So, I had to put in a lot of efforts to stay awake! I had endless tea during my return journey! Luckily, I was able to reach home safely.

The Mekedatu Sangam trip was a great experience! It is a destination I would definitely recommend to visit with friends or families. However, in monsoon, it is a little risky. So, you might want to tread carefully.

Let me know if have been to Mekedatu. Would love to hear your stories!


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